Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It's STINKbird! Hanko Stamps...

My friend Steve did a post on Hanko stamps the other day & I thought I'd try my luck at making one (or in this cast two). What's a Hanko stamp you ask? Well here's mine:
It's STINKbird! #1

It's STINKbird! #2
These are little 1 inch by 1 inch stamps carved (in this case) out of speedball rubber printing block which I've had lying around for years. I used black India ink, red & green drawing ink to make these Warholesque little grids. Turned out okay for the minimal amount of time I spent on them... These are crude images of an even cruder comic character I made up recently called It's STINKbird!

Here's a scan of same:


Steve Burdine said...

Sweet! This is a fun project, it is cool to see what you came up with. I used a Speedball rubber block as well. I had tried the Magic Eraser in the past. It does not cut as smoothly as the Speedball.

Steve said...

I'll probably try a few more of these; it's fun not knowing exactly what the prints will actually turn out looking like until you do them...